Hey guys, I have made ball movement beta 0.01 but on the day I uploaded this project, I upgraded it to ball movement beta 0.21. The old one only had 6 levels but 0.21, have 10 levels plus more levels are coming out shortly..... Please enjoy the game....
please <say[ I love it!!! ]for( Any )secs>
<change{ game happiness }by( 1 per nanosecond
Check it out at: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/beebe/32649
Last edited by beebe (2007-08-29 18:44:17)
beebe wrote:
Hey guys, I have made ball movement beta 0.01 but on the day I uploaded this project, I upgraded it to ball movement beta 0.21. The old one only had 6 levels but 0.21, have 10 levels plus more levels are coming out shortly..... Please enjoy the game....
please <say[ I love it!!! ]for( Any )secs>
<change{ game happiness }by( 1 per nanosecond
Check it out at: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/beebe/32649
why did you scratch the link?