I would really like to help out in some way with your wandering knight game, is there any way that you can think of that I could be of assistance? If so, let me know, I really like the isometric idea, it brings in a whole new dimension (literally) to Scratch.
Let me know,
I think the plot will involve trying to find a permanent cure for the plague of zombies. Hitting them puts them down temporarily, but they always get up again.
If you can come up with a good linear plot that involves collecting a sequence of 10 items from around the town, with sensible reasons for collecting those items from specific locations, that would be very useful.
A map can be found here:
I will think about something, and hopefully have some ideas for you today, my initial thought is a hive plot, where you have to destroy the "queen" to take them all down, therefore eliminating having to keep track of them all. So...maybe some sort of ritual has to be done to call out the "queen" and the items that you have to collect are the items that are needed to conduct the ritual. Just a thought, I'll throw some more ideas your way while I'm bored at my desk at work.
sorry, there might be several posts in this thread, as I'm coming up with ideas. The town could be locked, and you're the last hope for the town, so you've been sent to eradicate the zombies, so then once you're locked inside the town, collect the items to get the ritual done (or whatever) and then once you have all 10 items, the town opens back up, you leave the town, then the boss shows up, something like that maybe.
you could also post other knights at some locations with clue to each of the items, and you could, if you don't like the "hive" concept, put small bosses in a few corners that give you clues to item locations. Maybe a coordinate system so that you don't get lost as easily would be nice too. i'm kind of rambling, so ignore anything that you don't like (obviously) but I'll just keep typing until you tell me you have it all figured out
item ideas:
- mini-boss's hair
- candles to light during ritual to summon main boss
- special sword / shield
- magical elixir of some sort
- book that teaches history of the contamination
- map of village or map to ritual location
- holy water
more later i'm sure...
I think some sort of random factor as to where the items are located (or what items you need) might be good, so that the game has re-play value.
I think a player-map in game might be nice, too, with a "you are here" arrow rather than using cordinates that teh player can see.
So Mayhem, what do you think, what're you thinking, I would agree on some sort of map, possibly like your dungeon adventure game. The best way would be to randomly place the items throughout the map, making sure to check that two items aren't in the same location, and also probably wanting to make sure they are a certain distance away from where the knight starts. What do you think about my item ideas? More? Inventory page with each of the items you've gathered might be nice as well, my thought is to have a button by the map that you can push that will bring a screen up showing inventory (pausing the game of course) and a short description (probably a mysteriously vague description) and then in that screen is a button that gets rid of the screen and you're back in the game.
my 30 seconds of work example of my previous post:
I think it works better downloaded...strange stuff.
Wow, that looks cool.
my little program? from what i can see it doesn't even work properly online, downloading it should fix it.
Gah! I'm gonna get myself banned one day I am...
Terribly sorry.
Though I must admit, I think you are acting a wee bit repressed... Well, now I know the limits of this forum a bit better, so don't expect me to make more posts like that, even if I do think you are a little bit too prudish...
AlveKatt wrote:
Gah! I'm gonna get myself banned one day I am...
Terribly sorry.
Though I must admit, I think you are acting a wee bit repressed... Well, now I know the limits of this forum a bit better, so don't expect me to make more posts like that, even if I do think you are a little bit too prudish...
who? what?
any progress Mayhem? Gotten a plot laid out yet or is there anything more that you need help with?
I'm still away from home so not doing any more mods just yet.