The more friends and projects you have out, the more people that are likely to notice one of your projects - they may also see and try another one or more of your games once they're done since they're already on your profile page. A fair bit of it is luck - it takes a lot of it for your skill to be any real factor in how many views you have.
i have a feeling ruffle is going to post the real ways soon...
Post it in 'Show and Tell' at the Forums.
Try following the advice in this guide
Ur-86 wrote:
thanks guys! i won't spam, don't worry
good job mate
How about this? I took it from my post a year ago. I hope this helps.
1.)An often question known in Scratch is this: How do I get more views??? WEll, this is quite rhetorical to experienced Scratchers (well, some). One key to fame and more views is by COMMENTING WELL!
.::::::NICe comments:::::>
If you comment, comment well. A long extensive comment containing helpful feedback along with negative critiscim is absolutely the correct road in getting famous. Not only will the user that you had just commented on probably add you as a friend (usually commenton more than one project of that person), but also, he/she might even click your username and surf through your projects.
Here is a good example to follow:
"Wow, amazing game! I really like the various levels and obstacles it contains. THe graphics are yet incredibly done with effort! I love-it! Maybe, you could try adding music and fixing some of the sprites' movement, but otherwise, that was great! " said by 12cookie34
This quality example shows great feedback, and this is what many Scratchers look for.
Comments may lead the user who received them to add you as a friend. Friends are great to have, for they have this extra tab on front page that indicates the latest projects of friends. You know what that means: VIews!!!
Simple comments like this "I got 1243 as my score!!" and "Cool" are not that helpful for the scratcher. It doesn't show any improvement to let the scratcher know. And, for "cool", that is often used. Sometimes, these comments actually work though!
.::::::Bad Comments::::::>
Everybody hates these, so I advise you not to follow the formats below.
"This is LAME. L-A-M-E. "
"You suck, man! You don't deserve this views."
Again, do not be one of those people!!!! So...always be OPTIMISTIC!! Teehee
2.) Galleries
Galleries are pretty helpful. If you want any views, you can add a project with the comment. Simply, just press "add" on the gallery. Some galleries don't allow "add", and in their project notes, they say, "Give me a link to your project." or something similar. THen, post your link. Soon, you will be bound to have at least ten or more views. The views might accumalate slowly but that's okay, right?
3.) Friends
Having a ton of friends will allow them to look at your projects. The more friends, the better.
4.) Don't spam (unless it says you can in project notes, which I hardly doubt it)
Lots of Scratchers hate spam, but some, themselves, are hypocrites. LOL Just don't be one. Teeehee
5.) Be nice:COMMENT (again...)
You will get more views if you just be NICE. Mean comments, like "this sucks", is very hurtful to the creator, and nobody benefits from either way. Comment nicely and what to improve, and the creator will friend you and might view your projects. This is here a good example:
" Great project, {username}! It looks awesome game. I love how <this and this>! Maybe, you could {do improvement}. Otherwise, everything else is terrific! Coolio {love-it or favorite?}
.::::::::::Scratch Design Studio:::::::::::::.
Scratch Design Studio is a gallery with a desginated topic for Scratchers to make projects as that topic! It's the FASTEST and EASIEST way to get views! All you have to do is make a link of your project (must be related to topic in the project notes), and then, Lightnin or one of the Scratch team members will look at it, add it to the gallery, and even select as the design studio's front page section! in order to have yours on front page in that section, you must have a pretty decent project, (the ones with more effort usually get chosen) for their creativity, excellent scripting, or etc!
Just make your project good,and perhaps, it will be chosen to be on front page...for a while.
Need more information? Look at this guide:
Remember, create the project WELL. *
Well, there you have it.
6.) Sigs
Try aiming at audience that'll catch your attention with your super duper awesome signature, when you get one. You can advertise your game/projects there. People can click it, and the link will lead to your stuff and projects. That's another way.
7.) Quality vs. Quantity.
Projects with a lot of effort and time put into it usually tend to receive more attention than the ones that are made in a minute. You get the point, so quality projects are way better than having a ton of projects that are pointless. Some role models you can look at are 08jackt, archmage, colkadome, kileymeister, etc, etc..
There, I hope this helps. That's my guide. Tell me if you found this useful/helpful. Scratch on!
Last edited by kingofdallamas (2011-03-27 23:20:30)
Ur-86 wrote:
Thanks so much!! Nice sig by the way
No problem. I'm always glad to help! And, why thank you (for the comment on my sig)!