I am making a hangman game for a controlled assessment and would like to know if there is any way of replacing the letters in a variable with asterisks or dashes and when the correct letter is chosen the asterisk(s) are replaced with the letter. Thank you
Thank you very much, i think i get the general idea of how it works, is there a version that works with keyboard (QWERTY) sprites?
Crosshairs wrote:
Thank you very much, i think i get the general idea of how it works, is there a version that works with keyboard (QWERTY) sprites?
Like, one that tells letter sprites to show/hide? A single added block will do that:
And for each letter, there should be a script that looks like this:
That, for example, would tell the A sprite to show.
Could i also ask what the 'i' variable is?
Crosshairs wrote:
Could i also ask what the 'i' variable is?
of course
Okay, i tried your block and it worked, but one problem:
<set{ display }to( display
this makes the visible letters show up in an array format. Could you give any help or perhaps an alternative?
Dont worry, problem sorted. Thanks for the tips Harakou I now have a fully working product