Two students used the pen tool, then decided they didn't want it anymore. There is still a blue line on their background. We can't get rid of it. If I look at the sprite, there is a blue line next to the lock.
We have deleted all commands relating to the pen.
Does anyone have suggestions? Thank you.
Click the "clear" block.
You might also want to put the pen "up". So click the "pen up" block as well, that will remove the line from beside the lock.
By the way, the blue line on the thumbnail (the line that you mentioned) shows the sprite's direction. You can drag this line to change the sprite's direction.
mathematics wrote: … e_Info.gif
By the way, the blue line on the thumbnail (the line that you mentioned) shows the sprite's direction. You can drag this line to change the sprite's direction.
I think the teacher meant the line representing pen down, not direction.
I know. That's why I said "by the way".
The blue line will change color depending on the pen color. So a red line means the same thing.