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#1 2011-03-24 12:34:13

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-03-24
Posts: 1

moving sprites on rolling backgrounds

Hello, quite new to al this and have a few problems i was hoping someone might be able to help with.
i used the advice on the below page to create a scrolling game.

the game is basically a maze with a helicopter the user has to guide around. i wanted to add additional sprites resing around the maze for the user to collect/avoid. but is there a way of making them roll with the background sprites?

ive uploaded the game so youcan see how it works so far, i want  to rest a "collectable" sprite on te black maze wall/boundary areas.

this is the game

much obliged for any assistance.




#2 2011-03-24 12:40:36

Registered: 2011-02-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: moving sprites on rolling backgrounds

Use the same script that you use for background sprites, except instead of multiplying by 480, multiply by 480, then add their x position relative to the background sprite.

♫ 90% of teens can't do math. If you are one of the 40% of teens who can, copy and paste this into your signature. ♫♪



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