Hey everyone
I'm working on a game were this guy has to dodge astroids and i need to know how to get the astroids to enter on the screen from the top, then go down the screen, and then exit the screen from the bottom
Add a green line to the very bottom of the screen. Then add this code:
|forever if touching color (green)|
scratcher7_13 wrote:
Add a green line to the very bottom of the screen. Then add this code:
|forever if touching color (green)|
[when green flag clicked]
[broadcast [update-asteroids]]
[when i recieve [update-asteroids]]
[go to x: (pick random -240 to 240) y: 155]
[when green flag clicked]
[if <touching color [green]>?]
[broadcast [update-asteroids]]
bbbeb wrote:
scratcher7_13 wrote:
Add a green line to the very bottom of the screen. Then add this code:
|forever if touching color (green)|
|hide|[when green flag clicked]
[broadcast [update-asteroids]]
[when i recieve [update-asteroids]]
[go to x: (pick random -240 to 240) y: 155]
[when green flag clicked]
[if <touching color [green]>?]
[broadcast [update-asteroids]]
But you might run into the problem of broadcasting it while the broadcast script is already activated, then it won't run at all (I think)