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#1 2011-03-22 08:51:03

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-03-22
Posts: 1

Question about sprite jumping.

I know how to make a sprite which has no costume change jump but my question is how to make a sprite jump so he changes sprites during the jump so it wont bust.



#2 2011-03-22 13:55:54

Registered: 2010-11-21
Posts: 500+

Re: Question about sprite jumping.

<when green flag clicked>
<forever if><key[ space ]pressed?>
<wait until><<  <not>  >><key[ space ]pressed?>
<switch to costume[ jumping
<wait until><touching[ GroundSprite
<switch to costume[ NotJumping

Of coarse, I left out the part where the character actually moves...  big_smile



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