Well most of the projects on the top lists are of exceptional quality and have been on the front page in the featured section. So the odds of your project becoming popular increase dramatically if they appear as a featured project.
JoelP, welcome to the club! It is not enough to make a good game to get a lot of views and loveits. It requires luck (like getting featured or getting a good review on a site with a lot of readers). This is a lot like the real world---quality is no guarantor of fame. In fact, a lot of people end up making deliberate choices between doing good work and seeking fame and fortune---many of those who choose to seek fame and fortune fail, but a few make a big splash. Those who seek quality rather than fame rarely achieve the pinnacle of fame, but they rarely fail miserably either.
kevin_karplus wrote:
JoelP, welcome to the club! It is not enough to make a good game to get a lot of views and loveits. It requires luck (like getting featured or getting a good review on a site with a lot of readers). This is a lot like the real world---quality is no guarantor of fame. In fact, a lot of people end up making deliberate choices between doing good work and seeking fame and fortune---many of those who choose to seek fame and fortune fail, but a few make a big splash. Those who seek quality rather than fame rarely achieve the pinnacle of fame, but they rarely fail miserably either.
nicely said.
I was complaining about this earlier this week. My advice to you would be to just relax, and focus your efforts on good projects, instead of trying to get famous. Someone will notice your hard work.
Hey... My game with the most views is 186, rediculouse, hey!
i know how you feel, unfortunatly, but it happens to all of us, even archmage! i find that your projects become much more populer by you advertising (like celticfan) making a HUGE list of tags, and try to submit your project when their are a few ppl on, 3+, but it also has to be when everyone isnt submiting projects
MY projects don't get noticed much either and putting them in show and tell doesn't seem to help.
hey, how about this, if anyone doesn't get thier projects noticed and they think they should, they can just submit his in there forums!
aleagui wrote:
What do you mean with featured?
They mean projects that are on the front page of the website.