hi there i want a ball to bounce to one box to the other (there are 2 boxes in my game i want the ball o bounce one box to the other) but how do you do that.
i want to do this because i want the game to be harder to complete
pls help
spencertr wrote:
I meant make blue letters that you can put in the project notes or comments that when you click on they go to somewhere that's can look like this some times (Link to project)
By pasting something like this in:
It will look like this (P.S. This code only works in the forums. Just paste the project/gallery link to link it in comments/project notes
(Link to project)
spencertr wrote:
I meant make blue letters that you can put in the project notes or comments that when you click on they go to somewhere that's can look like this some times (Link to project)
Basically, all you have to do is copy the URL at the top of the page of the project, and then paste it in the comment box. It'll look like http://scratch.mit.edu/users/etc.etc....
Then, when you click post, it'll just simply turn into a (Link to Project) in blue letters on the main site.
Or on the forums use right the word "url" inside of these [ ], put the URL, and close it with[/url]. Alternatively write: url="URL" inside of the brackets and right something like click here, then close the brackets. Examples of both:
Click Here to go to the forum's home page.
Last edited by MoreGamesNow (2011-03-21 16:42:44)
That doesn't work for New Scratchers.