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#1 2011-03-13 05:45:13

Registered: 2007-05-18
Posts: 100+

Sticky for the French forum

In the French forum, the majority of posts and topics are basically just "moi parler français!!!11!!1!" . While it's great to see people trying to learn a new language and converse with others, I was wondering if we could have one stickied thread where non-french speakers could come and practice their french. I think it would be very useful as it would declutter the forum (there's a large amount of more or less identical post) and also, it would help and make it quicker when looking through the threads to try and help or reply to a question from an actual french speaker (who mightn't have enough english to ask in the other sections), or just any thread in french, but about scratch.

Dans le forum "Français", il me semble que la plupart des discussions sont du style "moi parler français!1! venir parlez à moi" (j'exagère, mais comme même...). C'est vraiment bien de voir des jeunes non-francophones essayer de s'améliorer, mais je trouve que ces discussions commençent à un peu submerger le forum, et qu'ils cachent souvent des discussions des francophones, qui par exemple, ne parlent pas assez d'anglais pour demander de l'aide ou des conseils dans d'autres sections du forum. Je propose qu'un crée une discussion 'sticky' où tout le monde pourrait venir s'entraîner et discuter en français, ce qui liberera de la place pour d'autres discussions, et aussi mettrait plus en contacts ces jeunes amateurs de la langue française.

Be nice, I'm an old lady  wink



#2 2011-03-13 12:34:51

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Sticky for the French forum

Wouldn't that be "je" because "je" is I and "moi" is me?

anyways, I don't think this is quite necessary. To practice French, just go to France. Scratch is not a language practicing site, it is a programming site.



#3 2011-03-13 13:45:54

Registered: 2007-05-18
Posts: 100+

Re: Sticky for the French forum

^ The correct thing to write would 'Je parle français' or 'Je sais parler en français' or something else like that. I was just exaggerating. And yes, I agree that this is a programming forum, but having one stickied thread exclusively dedicated to that is better than lots of pretty much identical ones floating around.

Be nice, I'm an old lady  wink



#4 2011-03-14 06:37:42

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Sticky for the French forum

Llamalover wrote:

^ The correct thing to write would 'Je parle français' or 'Je sais parler en français' or something else like that. I was just exaggerating. And yes, I agree that this is a programming forum, but having one stickied thread exclusively dedicated to that is better than lots of pretty much identical ones floating around.

You raise a good point - there is a lot of abuse of the foreign language forums.  I'm sure there are a number of "language practicing posts" in the other languages besides French.  I'm curious what you would call the stickied thread that you are proposing: "Try out your French here" or something? 

Our previous approach has been to try and discourage people from posting on the foreign forums unless they were really trying to answer a question - and they were good speakers of the specific language.  I'm really not sure that we want to be encouraging language experimentation on the forums (it seems to be very much off-topic for a site dedicated to a specific programming language) - but I'm interested in what other people think on this.



#5 2011-03-14 06:40:46

Registered: 2007-07-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Sticky for the French forum

Paddle2See wrote:

Llamalover wrote:

^ The correct thing to write would 'Je parle français' or 'Je sais parler en français' or something else like that. I was just exaggerating. And yes, I agree that this is a programming forum, but having one stickied thread exclusively dedicated to that is better than lots of pretty much identical ones floating around.

You raise a good point - there is a lot of abuse of the foreign language forums.  I'm sure there are a number of "language practicing posts" in the other languages besides French.  I'm curious what you would call the stickied thread that you are proposing: "Try out your French here" or something? 

Our previous approach has been to try and discourage people from posting on the foreign forums unless they were really trying to answer a question - and they were good speakers of the specific language.  I'm really not sure that we want to be encouraging language experimentation on the forums (it seems to be very much off-topic for a site dedicated to a specific programming language) - but I'm interested in what other people think on this.

Well, the things on Miscellanious are so not to do with Programming  roll  (well, most of them)  But i think a sticky for practicing french would be a bit extreme... Maybe a link to a french practicing forum like []here[/url]

Hey.  It's me SSSS, back from the dead!  smile



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