i think that there should be a way to select the point of rotation for a sprite. I want to make a line rotate at the beginning of the line instead of the middle. Does anyone have a way to do that. If not please help scratch. in the rotaion toolbar above the script workspace have a select sprite point of rotation button where you can click where you want the sprite to rotate when you use the rotate ___ degrees block. PLEASE HELP ME
lol... go to the sprite/costume painting area and select point of rotation in the bottom left
thank you thank you thank you i never knew that now i can make my project yay
i wish you could make it so you rotate, but still move in the same direction...
wait you can use the change x and change y blocks
not if you want a certin direction of movement, i guess you could make 360 costumes?
yambanshee wrote:
not if you want a certin direction of movement, i guess you could make 360 costumes?
:I lames sentence ever. who is gonna take all their time, just to make a stupid character spin? I also wish there was a suck/warp effect, when the character would not have any real changes but like crash bandicoot when he wins in a level. plus, I need that for my crash game! lol