I have tried to follow a tutorial "http://www.scratch.mit.edu/ext/youtube/?v=u13BSy5rCWI" but when i have made all the scripts, it wont work, any help?
- set "x" to 0.
- set "max speed" to 20.
- forever
- if left arrow key pressed and abs of "x" < "max speed".
- change "x" by 2 (and -2)
and the same with right arrow key.
Is the bottom one changing a variable, or the actual x position? Also, is the "and -2" actually in the bottom block, or what? If it is, 2 + -2 cancels itself out, meaning it'll shake, but not move.
x is my variable and i made scrips for left arrow key and right arrow key. One of them is set to -2 (changing variable) and the other one is set to 2.
i want them to change by absolute value x < max speed (witch also is a variable)