Hi, I`m zappy77 (Don`t ask why).
I am 15 and I live in South Africa.
I have the following skills:
Coding in: C++, GML, C#, VB6, VB.Net, Blitz3D, DarkBasic Pro.
I can make models (for 3D games)
I am especially good in coding AI and game play.
I`m not bad with making sprites...
And I hope that I will enjoy Scratch.
Last edited by zappy77 (2008-09-17 06:46:54)
Welcome zappy77! I hope you enjoy Scratch too...with all your experience with more powerful languages, you might find Scratch somewhat limited. But, Scratch is a lot of fun and supports very rapid development. And we have a great community here!
Yea I kinda noticed it is limmited XD ,but atleast its fun an all.
What might be better if Scratch had DLL support, but that would not work for MAC users.
Anyway I see its a good community, its active unlike all my communities
Well I`m gone, check ya later!
Welcome. Have some fun!