I'd like help making an animation with a scrolling background. Specifically, I'd like to make 4 or 5 different background illustrations that tile together seemlessly. Then, I'd like the program to randomly pick one of them so that it feels like you're looking at an ever changing landscape. Does that make sense? My son and I would appreciate any help or suggestions.
Hmm. I don't know how you would make 4 or 5 backgrounds that all tile together seamlessly. Usually you only tile 2 images together seamlessly.
The rest of it is pretty easy to do though.
Take a look at this project. There's only one background sprite and it works perfectly using stamps (just change the costumes, add them, delete them, whatever you like, it won't affect the scripts).
That project works with controls, but you can delete the player sprite and change the ScrollX value however you like. For example, if you add a script that says "Forever change ScrollX by -3" the background will continuously move right on its own. For more help just respond.
Last edited by Kileymeister (2011-03-09 15:34:42)