I have this level with a lot of planets. The game is about placing the planets in the right order. When a planet are placed in the right place, the score is changed by one. My problem is when I place one planet in the right place the score changes by one, but if I place on more planet right, the score wont change from 1 to 2. I don't know how to fix it, some help?
Let´s see ... U have 1 script for every planet? If so... u could put an if for every object (planet) ... if the planet is in the right place, change the score by 1 ...
and don´t use set <variable> to ... this will reset your counter. ok?
Okay, i have deleted what i have made at first. My only problem now is that the score only shall be changed by 1, and not go on and on.. I tried to sort this problem by using: change variable by: "variable" * 0.001. But it only worked for one of the planets, and not the others.
Ah, yes... This has probably happened to all of us - you used the "set __ to __" block instead of a "change __ by __". Of course, if you have only one planet with a script, that also could be the problem...
you have any ideas to sort the problem? all my planets have a script, and i just want them to change my variable by one, and not go on and on and on, only one! and i want it to work for all of them. it is pretty important that i can make i work, its a school-project with a deadline in 2 weeks
Can you upload the project and send a link to it so I can look at the code?
Huuuh??? I wasn't listining....
MarySueHunterz12 wrote:
Huuuh??? I wasn't listining....
You don't have to listen, you can read it as many times as you want.