Whenever I try to copy text in scratch, it always gives me this message:
SystemDictionary(Object)>>error: SystemDictionary(Object)>>primitiveFailed SystemDictionary>>clipboardText: ScratchTranslator class>>unicodeClipboardPut: ScrollingStringMorph>>copySelection ScrollingStringMorph>>cutSelection ScrollingStringMorph>>insertString: ScrollingStringMorph>>keyStroke: HandMorph>>handleEvent: HandMorph>>processEvents
Hi dsdude10,
looks like you are using an old Scratch VM (Scratch.exe) with the new Scratch.image version (1.3).
Which Scratch version are you using? Did you perhaps exchange the VM (Scratch.exe) against an older version (to make it run on an older Windows)?
Also, which key-combination are you using to copy the text? Scratch uses alt-c to copy, and alt-v to insert.
I'm using Version 1.3, I'm using ctrl-c to copy, I've done it in Version 1.2.1 and it worked every time. I'm using the current Scratch VM. Also, I have all of the old scratch fonts for some reason :S
dsdude10 wrote:
Also, I have all of the old scratch fonts for some reason
Aha! This indicates that your Scratch application is unable to access the module UnicodePlugin.dll. Looks there's something wrong with your installation.
It's probably best to download the current Scratch installer again, and to uninstall/reinstall Scratch. Something else to lookout for is, if you happen to have several Scratch versions in different folders on your computer, and if the shortcut for starting Scratch points to the right folder.
Please let me know if this helps