A while ago someone acussed me of being an imposter on another account of some other user. I told them it wasn't true but they posted a bunch if bad stuff about me on Devian art (so i couldnt do anything about it) and it really hurt. A ton of people believed them and kept posting hate comments about me. I flagged them but the stuff on DA still haunted me. I quit for a while then one of my friends told me on iscribble that it was sorted out so I came back. It was fine for a bit, but then it started up again and now it feels like a full out war. What now? D:
Yes I have, but u can't flag stuff on DA
Complain on deviantArt, not Scratch
No one can or would do anything here
You should start by flagging any offending comment on Scratch. You could also contact the Scratch Team directly, you will get a response.
So this is happening on Scratch too? Well the Scratch team can just give them an ultimatum like 'don't do bad things to Scratchers outside the site, or you'll be blocked here'
Yes they are a scratch user using DA to communicate false stuff to other scratch users. I can't flag thing on DA
warriorwolfgirl wrote:
Yes they are a scratch user using DA to communicate false stuff to other scratch users. I can't flag thing on DA
Why not? Surely DA cares about their users behaving as much as any other site. They have a reputation to keep up.
If it were me in this situation, I would flag any hate comments, and not respond to them. They most they could get is a "Pffffflol" that wouldn't even be posted on the site.
You're stronger than the haters. You must show it.
warriorwolfgirl wrote:
A while ago someone acussed me of being an imposter on another account of some other user. I told them it wasn't true but they posted a bunch if bad stuff about me on Devian art (so i couldnt do anything about it) and it really hurt. A ton of people believed them and kept posting hate comments about me. I flagged them but the stuff on DA still haunted me. I quit for a while then one of my friends told me on iscribble that it was sorted out so I came back. It was fine for a bit, but then it started up again and now it feels like a full out war. What now? D:
Being that this is an attack on two sites, so you have to contact both the Scratch Team and the dA administrators about the issue. Feel free to contact the Scratch Team here about it.You can contact the dA administrators here (choose "abuse report" as the topic).
Just an important thing I feel the need to point out: There has been issues before about cross-conflict between sites before such as dA and Scratch. There also has been a few incidences where the Scratch Team has tried to talk to the dA admins because of cross site conflicts, but it seems that dA is not so cooperative when it comes to such things... at least, from personal experience, they won't do anything unless you put of a very strong front and pester them about it to the point they will actually take action (and sadly this could take some time). If the dA admins continue to give you the run-around and fail to resolve anything, you can refer them back to their Etiquette Policy in the case they refuse to implement change.
Make a new account? Every one else have given the good answers.
Trolls will be trolls and in the end all you need to do is remember that they a lifeless jerks.
Blade-Edge wrote:
Complain on deviantArt, not Scratch
No one can or would do anything here
I cant agree with you. The ST wants scratch to be a fun place for kids so they probably at least will try to do something.