First of all, "What is a curator?"
A curator is a person who selects works to be shown on display. In a museum, that is.
On Scratch, a curator is one who chooses projects to display on the front page.
Second, how can I be one?
You can apply to be one here: here.
How often does it change?
Every two weeks.
How do they curate?
They add the project to their favorites; their latest three favorites are the ones on the front page.
Now, some questions and answers from the Curator side.
"Help! What do I curate? I'm running out of projects!"
Well, try to curate less often, maybe instead of one project every two days, one every 3 or 4. You could make a forum thread "do you want your project curated?".
What do I curate?
You can curate anything -- try to follow what you said in your speech. Try not to curate anything too famous, like with too high views, or anyone famous.
Help! I want to curate an already featured project! [question submitted by Jonathanpb]
Well, all you have to do is unfavorite it, and favorite it again! It should appear at the top of the list and ready for curation!
Any questions I should add here?
Last edited by kayybee (2011-03-03 23:59:52)
You could have simply linked to Scratch Wiki - but the article isn't an FAQ about curator stuff, so meh
Nice questions and answers, though you might want to add "Help, I want to curate a project that I've already favorited!"