I was wondering if their was a system in place to pair up experienced scratchers with new one's. I think this would be a great way to build a strong community and start to bring up the average quality of projects.
Is this system in place?
Would their be a way to create it?
Is this subject over suggested and i should just forget about it?
You could make a tutorial project and upload it for newer Scratchers to see.
A buddy system sounds like a neat feature though, they haven't got anything like it really. Maybe you can put forward the idea at Scratch Suggestions.
Sounds like a good idea, but a lot of people would not want to be constantly asked questions by a new user, or maybe get bored after a while.
I think it would be fun to have it set up, so Experienced Scratchers can choose whether they want to be on a "Helping List" where New Scratchers can pair up with an Experienced Scratcher and they can collaborate together to help New Scratchers make better projects. I think it would be a great addition!