ok so here is how it gose it is quite simple all you have to do ismake the chosen game in an half an hour then post it anyone can vote just send me the link of the game you chose
p.s. i need some ideas for the first game
Can we reuse code that we have already made for our entry? Because if we can then I could probably just reuse a lot of scripts to make something pretty cool.
can it be in flash? probly no. il try to make somein cool!
archmage wrote:
Can we reuse code that we have already made for our entry? Because if we can then I could probably just reuse a lot of scripts to make something pretty cool.
yes you can reuse scripts but plz tell me if you do reuse them
thx blueman64
seriously to many *bump*s, if you don't get many responses well thats how it rolls, lolz stupid peoples in my woodshop class like to play rap and those are some of the lyrics "and that's how we roll", reallt dumb music
i have added the site and i am expanding but if you want to try a contest there is one up for 5:00-5:30
P.S. i added your game and your name dingdong <forever> so good luck with the new contest plz read the rules i may not be able to judge this on right a way
and i need vollenters workers
thx blueman64