im using som rite now, but wen i put them in my game, they didnt do anything anymor. how do i make it 2 where they will do waht they r supposed 2 do?(if they can)
It sounds like you are asking about using an animated GIF file as a sprite. Just in case anyone isn't clear, an animated GIF is an image file that has mulitple different images embedded inside of it, that play one at a time like a video.
You can drag them directly into Scratch and they will show up as a sprite with a sequence of images. But to animate them again you need to add scripts. Try this:
When Flag clicked
- next costume
- wait .03 secs
its working now!! thx!! i finnaly got an answer!! now i can truley finish my game! ^o^
Offline do i stop it? its doing it ovr and ovr. this is my last ques. i promise. show mw how 2 stop it? i just wantit to do it once......
<when green flag clicked>
<repeat( Number of Costumes goes here )
<next costume>
<wait( .3 )secsc>
RukiaKuchiki wrote: do i stop it? its doing it ovr and ovr. this is my last ques. i promise. show mw how 2 stop it? i just wantit to do it once......
You can ask as many questions as you need that is about scratch.
1 mor q....and i sware....this is really teh last 1!!! but i hav 1 varable.....i need 1 do i get the otha 1, cuz it wont show up.......
i just feel like im annoying ppl.......but i dont mean just curious.
RukiaKuchiki wrote:
i just feel like im annoying ppl.......but i dont mean just curious.
No people just get annoyed if you spam alot or get really off-topic.
From now on post these in the "All About Scratch" forum.
RukiaKuchiki wrote:
1 mor q....and i sware....this is really teh last 1!!! but i hav 1 varable.....i need 1 do i get the otha 1, cuz it wont show up.......
I dont understand what your saying
RukiaKuchiki wrote:
1 mor q....and i sware....this is really teh last 1!!! but i hav 1 varable.....i need 1 do i get the otha 1, cuz it wont show up.......
keroro645 wrote:
I dont understand what your saying
I think s/he is saying, 1 more question and I swear this is really the last 1!!! but I have 1 variable, I need 1 more, how do I get the other 1, cuz it wont show up.
and RukiaKuchiki if u mean u cant see the variable on the stage, go variables and see the boxes next to the variables name, if it isn't ticked tick it and ur variable should be on the stage
wat do u mean change the boxes? plz show me...