If I used
<when[ ]clicked>
How would I use RPG games?
haniyamout1 wrote:
If I used
<when[ ]clicked>
How would I use RPG games?
Ummm... you'd need a lot more than just when [] clicked, and this shouldn't be in collab.
do you need brodcasting like using buttons to start?
Its easier the next way:
<when green flag clicked>
<if><key[ Right Arrow ]pressed?>
<change x by( 3 )>
BTW, this should not be in the Collab forums
Last edited by Rub0Gameton (2011-02-10 13:42:25)
08jackt wrote:
I've made a full action RPG. Look here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/08jackt/903441
Dude. You may be great and all, but you shouldn't spam like this. Jeez.
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
08jackt wrote:
I've made a full action RPG. Look here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/08jackt/903441
Dude. You may be great and all, but you shouldn't spam like this. Jeez.
Yeah, people know you're awesome and your scripts are too complicated for them, (mostly, or else you'd probably just not let them use your scripts), so that's basically spamming...
You didn't say "take parts of it". You just said "I've made a full action rpg game." Also, he didn't ask for examples, he asked how...
kayybee wrote:
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
08jackt wrote:
I've made a full action RPG. Look here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/08jackt/903441
Dude. You may be great and all, but you shouldn't spam like this. Jeez.
Yeah, people know you're awesome and your scripts are too complicated for them, (mostly, or else you'd probably just not let them use your scripts), so that's basically spamming...
You didn't say "take parts of it". You just said "I've made a full action rpg game." Also, he didn't ask for examples, he asked how...
WUT? Thats not spam, thats an example of an RPG!
Yeah, with super hard scripts that new scratchers probably won't understand, and that person did not ask for an example of an rpg, he wanted to know how to make one.
I'm pretty sure jackt won't let him use that rpg anyways!
kayybee wrote:
Yeah, with super hard scripts that new scratchers probably won't understand, and that person did not ask for an example of an rpg, he wanted to know how to make one.
I'm pretty sure jackt won't let him use that rpg anyways!
Yeah, but in my early days I spammed... And spammed... And I got nowhere.
Check out School RPG and see. xD
An 'RPG' is a role playing game, so any game that includes getting into a role of any kind is considered an RPG.
but how about sound???
that is cool!!!
or try recording sounds from your desktop or games!
haniyamout1 wrote:
but how about sound???
that is cool!!!
or try recording sounds from your desktop or games!
add mario to rpg
I have absolutely no idea what this topic's about, or why you keep bumping it.
add buttons like
Attack or Special attack