I have a Mac, and I would like to see a Dashboard widget that tells you Scratch stuff like if someone commented on your project, or if someone replied to your forum topic.
This might be hard to do, but I think it would be used alot.
We should make a rss feed.
A widget would be great (I too am a mac user). It would save the (extremely minor) trouble of going to Scratch and logging in whenever you wanted to check for updates/browse the website. (Although even this could be nearly eliminated by creating a *remember me* feature on the site.) Plus it would work well, I think, as yet another method of increasing Scratch's popularity--if it was listed with the other downloadable widgets on the Apple.com downloads/widgets page, chances are people would notice it and perhaps want to find out what exactly it was for...
Um... actually the site does have a "remember me" feature... and it's on by default. There's just something wrong with the server that logs you out. I've once went to the site, saw that i was logged in, refreshed, and... suddenly... i was logged out.
Angel - if you use a remember tabs feature in your browser, it loades an EXACT copy of the page you were on when you last were in the browser. Refreshing updates a page, so if you were logged in before, now you are not.
If you don't get it, forget it. It was nothing important!
Nope, i was browsing around. (Was on several pages, and suddenly got logged out)