I have a repeat until... block in my script and was wondering why it doesn't work. Here's what it looks like:
EDIT: the size block works, but the time doesn't. What I mean by "doesn't" is the time just keeps going after 10.
Last edited by cwn_hat5487 (2011-02-28 07:41:04)
Um... what do you mean by "doesn't work"?
Last edited by mathematics (2011-02-27 09:42:49)
Huh. That should work. Maybe just try changing it around, like change the format of it. Try it another way, like maybe with multiple scripts instead of just one. Sometimes that happens in Scratch, where a script doesn't work but it does in a different fashion
I don't know what's wrong, but I do know that this goes in AAS.
One thing to be careful of is testing for exact matches, such as where you have Size = 100. That kind of testing can fail, even when it looks like it should work, because of the way the computer stores numbers and the way it does calculations.
A much safer method would be to say, instead, Size > 99. Give that a try and see if it cures your problem.
By the way, computer languages that have typed data which is clearly integer, don't have this problem. Scratch, however, doesn't have strongly typed data.
The online player could "approximate" 0 to .001. Then when you change size by 1, you soon get 99.001, and then 100 is skipped to 100.001. Use Paddle2See's idea. It's probably the same with time.
Last edited by lemonpretzel (2011-02-27 15:12:34)
You're right! It doesn't work for me either!
EDIT: Try what Paddle2See said.
Last edited by mathematics (2011-03-01 07:47:29)