take out the music
I agree with the puppet, scrap the music entirely. Honestly no one will care, and if they do tell them you couldn't fit it.
I bet you'll get down to at least 7MB without music.
Last edited by Kileymeister (2011-02-26 22:11:48)
I suppose you could flat-out remove all the sound that you could, but even that probably wouldn't get you down below 10MB. (You much music do you have in the project?) Besides that, have you tried compressing the images as well?
Have as few 'When [] received' and 'When flag clicked' blocks as possible.
Or you could try waiting until Scratch 2.0 comes out
Remove everything unnecessary. 1 or 2 songs is OK, but you'll need to compress them a lot.
Here is the wiki's article: (link to wiki)
Try that, and Scratch on!
[EDIT: Linked to a file hosted for someone else.]
Last edited by IHeartGaming (2011-02-27 09:08:59)