on the news i heard a certain country had an atom smasher that stretched all the way to france and they are going to smash an atom many people say tommorow is the end of the world because when they smash that atom there is a chance the earth will turn into a black hole and suck us all down ;___; im scared
Dream-Caster wrote:
on the news i heard a certain country had an atom smasher that stretched all the way to france and they are going to smash an atom many people say tommorow is the end of the world because when they smash that atom there is a chance the earth will turn into a black hole and suck us all down ;___; im scared
nonsense, nothing of the sort, they are colliding protons to unravel mysteries of the creation of the universe, it's in Switzerland I think. w
Well, I hope the online java player for 1.3 gets fixed before the world ends. It would be a bummer if it didn't.
adityasm9 wrote:
Dream-Caster wrote:
on the news i heard a certain country had an atom smasher that stretched all the way to france and they are going to smash an atom many people say tommorow is the end of the world because when they smash that atom there is a chance the earth will turn into a black hole and suck us all down ;___; im scared
nonsense, nothing of the sort,
they are colliding protons to unravel mysteries of the creation of the universe, it's in Switzerland I think. w
I love that smily face! also, for
just hit : then type lol, then do : again. : + lol + : =
I don't think that we will "eat" us all. I think there just Might be a... well, someone reply to this comment, THEN i will say what will happen.
Nothing is going to happen at all. It's a particle accelerator in Switzerland that they are going to use to crash two proton beams together to find a special type of particle. It's more than 100 feet underground so it won't make any radiation. If a mini black hole actually did form, it would become unstable and destroy itself in such a short time nobody would notice it. Scientists have explained everything that is going on and actually have photographs and videos of the machine and the test they did this morning.
They tested it out this morning. One beam (I think?) was sent around the entire 25km ring and it went off without a hitch. On October 21st they'll be conducting the experiment.
Do you really think 60 nations of the world (you probably live in one of them.) would want to destroy the earth? No. If something goes wrong (doubt it will) it will be contained. They've been working on the project for more than a decade, I doubt they will skimp on safety.
Don't believe all of those people saying the world will come to an end, the machine is already turned on and I'm still typing this out (that means I'm not dead!).
umm this will probaly destroy earth :mad
SeanCanoodle wrote:
Nothing is going to happen at all. It's a particle accelerator in Switzerland that they are going to use to crash two proton beams together to find a special type of particle. It's more than 100 feet underground so it won't make any radiation. If a mini black hole actually did form, it would become unstable and destroy itself in such a short time nobody would notice it. Scientists have explained everything that is going on and actually have photographs and videos of the machine and the test they did this morning.
They tested it out this morning. One beam (I think?) was sent around the entire 25km ring and it went off without a hitch. On October 21st they'll be conducting the experiment.
Do you really think 60 nations of the world (you probably live in one of them.) would want to destroy the earth? No. If something goes wrong (doubt it will) it will be contained. They've been working on the project for more than a decade, I doubt they will skimp on safety.
Don't believe all of those people saying the world will come to an end, the machine is already turned on and I'm still typing this out (that means I'm not dead!).
The black holes turning on themselves is based on a theory that has never been tested, just assumed (sorry, trying to scare people)
There's an awful lot of this circulating the Inspiration forums, and all I can say is that I'm glad it's not crowding up Show and Tell anymore. While digging up black hole-related info (pardon the pun?), I found a lot, and particulary Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth absolutely fascinating; check it out!
Last edited by fullmoon (2008-09-11 22:51:54)
zawicki1fromyoutube wrote:
adityasm9 wrote:
Dream-Caster wrote:
on the news i heard a certain country had an atom smasher that stretched all the way to france and they are going to smash an atom many people say tommorow is the end of the world because when they smash that atom there is a chance the earth will turn into a black hole and suck us all down ;___; im scared
nonsense, nothing of the sort,
they are colliding protons to unravel mysteries of the creation of the universe, it's in Switzerland I think. w
I love that smily face! also, for
just hit : then type lol, then do : again. : + lol + : =
I don't think that we will "eat" us all. I think there just Might be a... well, someone reply to this comment, THEN i will say what will happen.
well i think its over
Pengie-Penga wrote:
zawicki1fromyoutube wrote:
adityasm9 wrote:
nonsense, nothing of the sort,they are colliding protons to unravel mysteries of the creation of the universe, it's in Switzerland I think. w
I love that smily face! also, for
just hit : then type lol, then do : again. : + lol + : =
I don't think that we will "eat" us all. I think there just Might be a... well, someone reply to this comment, THEN i will say what will happen.
well i think its over
Nope, they turned it on for a few seconds and then turned it off. Now there's a helium leak. So we have to wait another few months.
people just think a black holes going to be formed because its never been done before and people dont know what to think =/. Basicly if the chanses of one was 1/1E we wouldent be here because this is continually going on in nature...
Omg I Dint Happen Yet So We Will Still Die