Well, they aren't really bothering me anymore.....but they CHASED OFF ON OF MY FRIENDS! Someone accused her of being another scratcher who is a fake of a famous scratcher who left, and the person accusing her is famous so of course all her friends attacked my friend. So she's gone forever, and its all because of one stupid hater. I'm starting to think she's more of a troll now since she isn't making any new projects, she has accused me of stealing art several times when i did nothing wrong, and she has been being a jerk to everyone who sticks up to my friend and i.
I've flagged, I've ignored, I even reported one of the haters, what more can i do? Help please!
Just leave them alone and they'll stop eventually.
PS, I think this goes somewhere else.
Ignore them. All they want is a reaction.
If they get no reaction, they stop.
Just flag their comments. Other than that, ignore them. They're just looking to agitate you and stir up a fuss, so don't give them the drama that they want. Remember, if you're responding to the trolls, they've already won.
You can also continue to talk to the Scratch Team using the Contact Us form (as you have in the past - thanks!). Let us know if there are still problems. We go in and try and fix things up...but sometimes we miss stuff. So please let us know!
Harakou wrote:
Just flag their comments. Other than that, ignore them. They're just looking to agitate you and stir up a fuss, so don't give them the drama that they want. Remember, if you're responding to the trolls, they've already won.
I know but when they say things like, "obviously you stole, we aren't stupid little kindergarteners here -_-" its.....difficult.
jbutts10 wrote:
Harakou wrote:
Just flag their comments. Other than that, ignore them. They're just looking to agitate you and stir up a fuss, so don't give them the drama that they want. Remember, if you're responding to the trolls, they've already won.
I know but when they say things like, "obviously you stole, we aren't stupid little kindergarteners here -_-" its.....difficult.
If they say that to you on a project/gallery, first, don't respond for any reason if they are saying something mean. Click "flag as inappropriate". If you own the project/gallery, the comment is reported and deleted.
How would haters be so mean? They don't have the sence of Humor... and also, they don't care about others. If anyone could join forces to drive nice ppl away, that would be haters. I felt Angry with a lot of ppl quitting. THEY ALMOST MADE WWG QUIT!
Nightmare the eevee was my old account. I won't be using it anymore since I have a new account, Wolf-chan. I have DeadNightmareEevee because she became a fallen Angel. And also, she was not a shiny eevee! She was pink before. I meant because Erin was the shiny eevee not Nightmare. I had gotten mixed up.
[removed by moderator. Please don't publicly post events of inappropriate actions on the Scratch Forums; that usually causes more trouble than is wanted. Instead, please use the Report/Flag function and/or contact the Scratch Team directly instead at help@scratch.mit.edu. Scratch On!]
~Wolf-chan and Nightmaretheeevee
Last edited by cheddargirl (2011-02-21 20:17:44)
Wolf-Chan wrote:
How would haters be so mean? They don't have the sence of Humor... and also, they don't care about others. If anyone could join forces to drive nice ppl away, that would be haters. I felt Angry with a lot of ppl quitting. THEY ALMOST MADE WWG QUIT!
Nightmare the eevee was my old account. I won't be using it anymore since I have a new account, Wolf-chan. I have DeadNightmareEevee because she became a fallen Angel. And also, she was not a shiny eevee! She was pink before. I meant because Erin was the shiny eevee not Nightmare. I had gotten mixed up.
[removed by moderator]
~Wolf-chan and Nightmaretheeevee
whos wwg?
Last edited by cheddargirl (2011-02-21 20:18:03)
That's too bad. Just ignore them. They'll go away.
If any haters come on my projects.
I'll make sure they never hate again
jbutts10 wrote:
Harakou wrote:
Just flag their comments. Other than that, ignore them. They're just looking to agitate you and stir up a fuss, so don't give them the drama that they want. Remember, if you're responding to the trolls, they've already won.
I know but when they say things like, "obviously you stole, we aren't stupid little kindergarteners here -_-" its.....difficult.
Say: Correction: You are the little kindergartners.
Weelll. I know I ain't exactly the best role model of handling haters
Last edited by Stickman704 (2011-02-22 06:23:14)
The best solution to your problem is to NOT FEED THE TROLLS. If you don't feed the trolls, they will continue to try and get food from you until they starve and die.
If you haven't tried directly contacting the Scratch Team, you might want to do that. Use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom-right of the page to do that.
ihaveamac wrote:
Ignore them. All they want is a reaction.
If they get no reaction, they stop.
This is an untrue assumption, it generally doesn't apply to a lot of 'trolls'
Jbutts, I think I know how you can get people to stop saying you steal parts of drawings: by not stealing parts of drawings. It seems thats the only way to do things
Solution: Bring a tank and make it launch nuclear bombs at the hater.
Blade-Edge wrote:
Jbutts, I think I know how you can get people to stop saying you steal parts of drawings: by not stealing parts of drawings. It seems thats the only way to do things
v.v i DON'T steal. Why would you even begin to think i would?
Ha, that reminds me of a fan-fiction that I read. There was a battle team between ONE troll and a team of Mary- Sue hunters, and it turned out to be an all-out war. The hunters had cthulu, a giant robot monster thingy, light sabers, and a rabid killer on their side. But, the troll kept cloning itself using cans of spam! At the end the Hunters won, though.
Did I waste your time? I'm sorry, but I don't have anything better to post. Oh, am I a troll? I wanted to know since I haven't made anything yet. I just don't know how to work the program! XD
MarySueHunterz12 wrote:
I'm sorry, but I don't have anything better to post.
Oh, and by " I don't have anything better to post" I mean that I can't give off any better advice.
jbutts10 wrote:
Blade-Edge wrote:
Jbutts, I think I know how you can get people to stop saying you steal parts of drawings: by not stealing parts of drawings. It seems thats the only way to do things
v.v i DON'T steal. Why would you even begin to think i would?
DeviantART. I've seen the drawings that the eyes came from.
Blade-Edge wrote:
jbutts10 wrote:
Blade-Edge wrote:
Jbutts, I think I know how you can get people to stop saying you steal parts of drawings: by not stealing parts of drawings. It seems thats the only way to do things
v.v i DON'T steal. Why would you even begin to think i would?
DeviantART. I've seen the drawings that the eyes came from.
my computer blocks DevaintART and i can prove it, Erolwolf is my side account: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Erolwolf/1535885
maail wrote:
Just leave them alone. I guess they will die of hunger or bordem
yeah, what maail said.