Hello All,
Here are some tips on how to make scrolling (moveing background/sprite) projects.
Before we start, if you have never heard of or made a scrolling project, go to my username
and view these projects
scroll test
scroll racer
super race (only works when downloaded)
Now to start.
The entire idea of scrolling projects are VARIABLES, the entire idea is based off of VARIABLES when you make a scrolling project, instead of using
[blocks]<when green flag clicked>[/blocks]
[blocks]<forever if><key[ left arrow ]pressed?>[/blocks]
[blocks]<change x by( 5)[/blocks]
Doing this is X and Y axis based.
Since I do not have much time left (i have to go to bed) i will not use the blocks i will just type out instructions for character movement.
1. make a variable called scrollx for everybody
2. put a [when green flag clicked] block in.
3. put a [forever if] block in under the [green flag] block.
4. put inside the [forever if] block a [key (right arrow) pressed]
5. under the [forever if (key right arrow pressed)] put a [change (scrollx) by {-5}]
This is how to do character right scroll movement. I will post more in the moring before school
From, greg_allprojects_
Cool tips
For people who are intrested in making scrolling projects check this thread out
Also check out the scrolling demonstration project that I programmed that is included with scratch.
Actually you don't need a variable u can make the sprite bigger then the screen like this http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/deatheater/212169
deatheater wrote:
Actually you don't need a variable u can make the sprite bigger then the screen like this http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/deatheater/212169
I don't really recommend using large sprite for scrolling unless you only need a single area that is 4 times longer than the screen. If you want efficient scrolling check out method 2 in the scrolling thread I posted above.
archmage wrote:
deatheater wrote:
Actually you don't need a variable u can make the sprite bigger then the screen like this http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/deatheater/212169
I don't really recommend using large sprite for scrolling unless you only need a single area that is 4 times longer than the screen. If you want efficient scrolling check out method 2 in the scrolling thread I posted above.
I agree totally that's by far more efficient but it gets harder when u want to rotate the screen and other stuff , but yes that is more efficient
hey, i posted a torturial project on scrolling and infinte scrolling: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/yambanshee/263478
If u want I've got a tutorial on 2p scrolling