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#1 2011-02-22 18:22:34

Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 1000+

Alternating players?

If you've all been keeping up with the news, you should know that Scratch 2.0 and ScratchR 2.0 are in Flash. The reason it's been taking so long is the fact that they're reprogramming all of the Scratch language, along with some new additions, in Flash. ALL of that. ALL of the stuff since Scratch 1.4. They also have to update ScratchR, so it's practically a sweatshop at MIT. Now, recently, Scratch made an experimental PLAYER that converts the Scratch files into a Flash player, to go along with the Experimental viewer for all of you beta testers out there (like me). Well, this suggestion will save a lot of hassle for the Scratch programmers out there. Instead of remaking it all in Flash, just make the Flash player an alternate online player, and keep Squeak as the language for Scratch. Here's what I mean: The Scratch projects are made in normal Scratch, like always (so that means they're made in Squeak), and uploaded to the site. When uploaded, the projects are set by default to play in the Java player. However, you can change to the Flash player be pressing the button that reads "Flash Player" (it's so big, you can barely miss it). The Flash player is kind of like a high-quality mode on Scratch. It has a better framerate, better response time, and lots of other stuff. Try it out for yourself! See the difference? Well, good, you now know what I mean. This will also help, because what if someone doesn't have a Java player installed on their comp, but has a Flash player installed instead, or vice-versa? Well, this was just a suggestion. Mods and Scratch developers alike, please tell me what you think about this. Actually, everyone tell me your thoughts.  smile

Last edited by agscratcher (2011-02-22 18:24:22)



#2 2011-02-22 19:49:43

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-10-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: Alternating players?

You're kind of missing some of the main points that this whole conversion is going to solve. One of the big problems with online projects is that converting from Squeak to Java is a real pain and doesn't work exactly right due to language differences. Besides that, Flash Scratch will fix problems with the current version of Scratch, such as bugs relating to Squeak memory/rendering problems. (Such as disappearing text)



#3 2011-02-22 20:06:57

Registered: 2009-06-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Alternating players?

Not only what Harakou said, but it's really a bit too late to stop the conversion to flash. I'll bet the ST is around 50% - 60% done, right now.



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