Ok. Scratch is the best thing to the world since brethable air, but there are ways the site can be inproved. For one thing, I think that it would be cool if the games on the web site could be played in full sreen. Also (and this may just be my computer) I thick there may be problems with coments. Anyone else have sugestions?
Yep, being able to play on-line fullscreen would be the greatest.
There is such a varied wealth of interesting projects on scratch's website right now! Amazing!
Full screen games have already been considered for Scratch 2.0, so get ready for em!
Wodunne wrote:
Ok. Scratch is the best thing to the world since brethable air, but there are ways the site can be inproved. For one thing, I think that it would be cool if the games on the web site could be played in full sreen. Also (and this may just be my computer) I thick there may be problems with coments. Anyone else have sugestions?
Actually, breathable air is the best thing to the world since Scratch.
And yes, Scratch was made before breathable air. Some of the ST members got caught up in a magical chaotic frenzy maniac wild time/space bending adeventure on a magic school bus, and yeah, this paradoxical thing happened.
WOW, this thread becomes more active after 4 years...
bananaman114 wrote:
WOW, this thread becomes more active after 4 years...
Surprising, eh? It's so old, in fact - and since the full-screen mode has been confirmed for Scratch 2.0 - that I'll close it.