There are so many newbies commenting on my projects, having not a single idea what the actual thing is about...I'm assuming they think seemingly every project has to be a game or an animation or something...They're getting annoying and clogging up my message box. I know I can just delete it, but I want it to stop once and for all. How should I do this?
You can set it to not send you messages when you get a comment. Or you can ignore them.
Hey matthew8092001, if the unwanted comments are coming from a specific group of newbies, you could use add them to your Ignore List (which you can access from your user page) - that should prevent them from seeing your projects or commenting on them.
well, you seem sort of new yourself. Sometimes new scratchers don't like being called newbies, but if you want to stop comment notifications, select "Stop sending messages when someone leaves a comment on my project"