can someone give me a link to the first scratch<when green flag clicked><switch to costume[
scriptY wrote:
texjdsimon wrote:
can someone give me a link to the first scratch[block]<when green flag clicked><switch to costume[[/block]
first scratch what?
If you mean the first Scratch project, this is the earliest one that still exists. The other 103 that came before it were test projects that were deleted.
i don,t i mean the the first scratch like now how its scratch 1.4 but i want the first
The oldest version still available for download is Scratch 1.2.1.
Here's the link to download older versions of Scratch. 1.2.1 is on there.
Last edited by gettysburg11 (2011-02-20 18:56:10)
TVflea wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
version 0.1, from 2003, is unavailable.
i have scratch 1.0 and scratch1.4
show me how you got
TVflea wrote:
TVflea wrote:
texjdsimon wrote:
show me how you gotmy dad showed it to me when i was 6
here's a picture of it … 614_sm.png
is that just scratch 1.2.1
TVflea wrote:
why?the newer ones are better
i no that its just i really want the first scratch