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I accidentally erased my city because I was going to replace it with something else, but when I clicked OK it was blank and now I can't add or edit my city! Someone please please help me!
Now instead of a full profile all I have is...
I know this may seem laughable for some people, but I am a perfectionist, and I want my profile to be, well, perfect
Uh... this is an old glitch - I don't think you can get it back
Yeah, sorry. Once you erase that, there isn't a way to get it back. Then again, you may not want people knowing your city anyway.
Last edited by gettysburg11 (2011-02-19 09:22:41)
Animagus wrote:
Oh great. Now I have this sudden urge to create a new account
Don't let it get to you too much. Hopefully people will be more concerned with your projects than your profile.
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