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I added the picture below, with the link to the trailer to my upcoming game, "Hunt or Be Hunted", but I kinda need it to make it bigger. Does anyone know how to do it bigger? Like, REALLY Big?
Hey frank1281, the Scratch Forum system automatically resizes large images - the largest image in the forum signature can be, at most, 150 pixels.
Your image seems to have been already resized because of the 150 pixel limit. But it doesn't mean your image can no longer be bigger - you could try to make the image larger by making it wider as opposed to taller.
Thanks! I guess You're Right. I could make it widen (or Taller), but when Im advertising another game, because with HOBH, this Ad Can't Be MUCH wider or Taller, But thanks anyways! I'll have it in Mind ;D
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Pages: 1