Does this happen to anyone else? I just came home typed in and a blank page came up! It doesn't load my profile either! It does load the forum though. Is it a server error or is it just me?
Lightnin forgot a ', so it broke.
scimonster wrote:
Lightnin forgot a ', so it broke.
In programming, do not ever, ever, ever forget 's. Or anything else, for that matter.
Just wondering, I thought Lightnin would have debugged the website and found the glitch.
helltank wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Lightnin forgot a ', so it broke.
In programming, do not ever, ever, ever forget 's. Or anything else, for that matter.
Just wondering, I thought Lightnin would have debugged the website and found the glitch.
He probably did- a few minutes later.