i'm guessing that it's some modified version of scratchr
More details plz
Im not asking him IM ASKING everyone
Please mods answer this
I think the scratch website code is open source but you have to tell the MIT what your using it for.
I don't know if I should tell you this, but the Scratch Resources platform is actually open-source, and all the PHP is here. JSO used a mysterious ScratchR API to make some of the authentication calls, but the rest is his own site and database with a Scratch-style theme.
Fullmoon is quite right
The open source repository is awfully outdated though.
Scratch resources uses a different platform from ScratchR, which is what this website uses. The site is just styled in the same way as this website.
It's written in PHP, using a MySQL database on an apache server offered to me by the Scratch Team to handle huge amounts of visitors (cough, cough).
It uses the ScratchR API to communicate with this website so you can log in with the same credentials etc.