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#1 2011-02-16 06:44:25

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Want a block? Look here first—you may save the ST a ton of time!

Do you know how much work it is to make a block? Well, it's a lot. This topic is a collection of alternate ways to to do something you may expect can be only done by a new block. The idea is to reduce the number of blocks the Scratch Team has to go through for the next version of Scratch.


(no. of costumes)

When Fº clicked
Switch to costume [1]
Switch to costume (costume no.- (1)]
set [no. of costumes] to (Costume no.)]


Key for types of blocks:

{ } = hat block
[ ] = stack block
< > = boolean
| | = C - stack (like if <>)
|{ }| |_| = Special form (specify in the round brackets)
( ) = reporter

Key for inserters:

<> = inserter
[] = string
() = number
[^] = menu

Italicized text means insert argument there (i.e. move (distance) steps)

None—be the first to post one!


(no. of costumes)

When F pressed
switch to costume [1]
switch to costume ((costume #0 - (1))
set [costume_no.] to (costume no.)

None—be the first to post one!

None—be the first to post one!


{When <>}

When F clicked
Forever if <When clause>
      Broadcast [when_hat] and wait

When I recieve [when_hat]

|{terminator}| freeze Scratch |_|

set [terminator] to ((terminator) * (terminator))

None—be the first to post one!

None—be the first to post one!

None—be the first to post one!

Last edited by Hardmath123 (2011-02-16 07:10:31)

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#2 2011-02-17 03:53:35

Community Moderator
Registered: 2010-06-13
Posts: 1000+

Re: Want a block? Look here first—you may save the ST a ton of time!

Basically, just borrow almost all of the BYOB blocks from the library.  tongue


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