I am making a bean counter (but with guinea pigs instead of beans ) and the counter won't work properly. I am using three sprites for it- one for the ones, one for the tens, and one for the hundreds. It's kinda hard to explain exactly how it's going wrong, so you can look at the project
The actual counter variable won't be visible in the final project
I see your glitch. Listen: Scratch dosen't like it when you end a costume name with a number... To say the least.
Whenever I'm making a counter, I name all my costumes (1 ) or (2 ). I put the number with a space after it.
Anyway, I rescripted your counter, but the number font has changed, you'll have to change them all back, sorry.
Link: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/iTest-747/1597825
Here, just do this:
make each (letter 1/2/3 of counter) into (join(letter 1/2/3 of counter)| 1)
Wait, I'll show you a picture.
Into this:
Last edited by Kileymeister (2011-02-15 08:40:05)
Thank you!