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#1 2011-02-15 18:23:48

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-10-12
Posts: 5

how do you get a pictur on your signatur on forums

how do you set a picture as your signature

be as famouse as you can and if you cant be famouse deal with it



#2 2011-02-15 18:28:54

Registered: 2008-04-17
Posts: 1000+

Re: how do you get a pictur on your signatur on forums

First, you need to visit an image hosting site (like tinypic, imageshack, etc.) and upload the image you want (you need it saved on your computer).  Next, copy the text it gives you, and paste it into your signature.  Make sure it has the tags [img] [/img] on each end.

Last edited by Kileymeister (2011-02-15 18:29:09)

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