I do not understand how to put blocks in your posts on forums. i notice that it has a description, but can someone explain more?
The blocks are built into the forum, to use them just type [Blocks] and then use the buttons below the text area where you type to choose your blocks, simply by clicking them. Then to end your script, add [/Blocks].
<when green flag clicked>
<turn cw( 360 )degrees>
However some of these blocks look a bit messy, and newer blocks such as the ask block aren't there..
Last edited by 06dknibbs (2011-02-09 07:31:07)
[Blocks] and [/Blocks] don't work. You need to use [blocks] and [/blocks].
thank you both too mathematics and 06dknibbs that makes it more clear. It is easier for me to understand what the blocks mean by actual people explaining it. thanks.
No offense to the scratch team, but they are not always clear. I like to use everyday scratchers instead.