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I did an analysis of the the more than 1.5 million projects that we have today on the Scratch website trying to find the most commonly used images.
There are more than 45 million images used and these are the top 10!
Now, can you guess the order?
Which one is #1? What about #2? What about the rest? I will reveal the answer tomorrow on the Scratch blog.
1) Scratch Cat
2) Gobo
3) Bat
4) Underwater
5) Ball
6) Bananas
7) Button pressed
8) Button
9) Shark
10) Stage
How did you figure this out?
O_o That's sooooooooo interesting - this deserves a mention somewhere
Uh... my guess:
1. Scratch Cat
2. Shark
3. Disco
4. Aquarium
5. Bat
6. Gobo
7. Light button
8. Shaded button
9. Beach ball
10. Bananas
My guess is:
1. Scratch Cat
2. Gobo
3. Shark
4. Bat
5. Stage
6. Ball
7. Button up
8. Button pressed
9. Underwater
10. Bananas
Last edited by Kileymeister (2011-02-14 12:01:34)
For some reason I thought Cool Story Bro would be there.
My guesses would be:
1. Scratch cat
2. Underwater background
3. Disco background
4. Gobo
5. Ball
6. Shark
7. Bananas
8. Unpressed Button
9. Pressed Button
10. Bat
I'm not sure, but I'd guess that the button sprites would be higher up... maybe something like this:
1. Scratch cat
2. Gobo
3. Ball
4. Underwater
5. Shark
6. Unpressed Button
7. Pressed Button
8. Disco
9. Bat
10. Bananas
well, i think scratch cat is used the most, and stage might be in the top 3, i know i use it a lot
I posted the answer and methodology in the Scratch blog.
andresmh wrote:
I posted the answer and methodology in the Scratch blog.
Weird how the buttons are not similar in use.
This is interesting, I thought the scratch cat would be #1 by way more than the button!
Kileymeister wrote:
andresmh wrote:
I posted the answer and methodology in the Scratch blog.
Weird how the buttons are not similar in use.
Maybe its because some people people can't make, don't want, or don't care about having a good look and feel of their project and so just import a button sprite with out the pressed button.
andresmh wrote:
I posted the answer and methodology in the Scratch blog.
Whoa, my guess was so different from the real thing
The grandma picture didn't make it? But it is so popular
I think the Scratch Cat isn't No. 1 because most people keep the name "costume1" unchanged!
Last edited by mathematics (2011-02-15 12:03:07)
mathematics wrote:
I think the Scratch Cat isn't No. 1 because most people keep the name "costume1" unchanged!
This is very true. If you look at the file linked from the article, the one with the top 1000 image names, you will see that custom1 is the most popular name by far.
I might do an analysis of the same data but group images by name AND file size. This way we can assume if there are a lot of custom1 images with the same size they are probably the same.
I'm actually surprised the Scratch Cat is not #1.
I lied.
The button is really useful, more than the cat (not trying to be mean). But at least it's #2.
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