Recently I've been noticing quite a bit of necroposting, and it's been bothering me. I regularly (almost daily now) see an old topic that is often no longer relevant bumped back to the top of a forum. As a result, I decided to post this thread to clear some things up about necroposting and hopefully prevent some unneeded confusion in the future.
First things first: What is a necropost?
A necropost is generally referred to as a reply to an old, abandoned thread that has been considered "dead" for a while. Basically, a thread that no longer serves any purpose is bumped back up to the top of the forums by someone posting in it.
How old should a thread be before it is considered "dead"?
This depends on the thread and the forum it is in. Some things to consider:
-Has the initial question been resolved?
-Is the subject no longer relevant? (For example: a thread suggesting an input box. Since Scratch 1.4 added this functionality, this thread has no real purpose.)
-Is the thread relatively old? If the original poster was asking for help, they're probably not watching it anymore if it's over a month old.
Is it ever okay to necropost?
Yes. If you believe you have something to add to the subject that no one else has mentioned, and the topic is still relevant or unresolved, you can give your input; it may spark new discussion! However, do some searching and make sure the subject hasn't been resolved or continued on somewhere else since then. In addition, some topics, such as Show and Tell threads, are never too old to post in. Since those are there for you to give feedback, rather than hold a discussion, you can always leave a comment for the maker. There's nothing like bringing a great project that has been forgotten back into the limelight.
For more information, see the Scratch Wiki article on bumping/necroposting.
Note: If you feel that anything could be changed or added to improve this thread, feel free to suggest it in a reply.
Last edited by Harakou (2011-06-29 01:06:24)
Hmmm, I usually consider anything not in the first 5-10 pages to be a "dead" thread...But, like you said, occasionally it is okay to revive the topic, although usually it is just better to make a new one and link to the old.
Good Guide.
Last edited by TheSaint (2011-02-09 15:38:52)
Nice guide Hopefully this'll be noticed - it sometimes is annoying to see something I think is new and relevant only to find it's far outdated
Good guide, this will help some Scratchers
thecrazyguy wrote:
Harakou wrote:
First things first: What is a necropost?
A necropost is generally referred to as a reply to an old, abandoned thread that has been considered "dead" for a while. Necroposting usually results in some more posts on that thread until somebody realizes that the topic is no longer relevant for whatever reason.
I think it's worth reading the first post all the way through first before asking questions.
cheddargirl wrote:
thecrazyguy wrote:
Harakou wrote:
First things first: What is a necropost?
A necropost is generally referred to as a reply to an old, abandoned thread that has been considered "dead" for a while. Necroposting usually results in some more posts on that thread until somebody realizes that the topic is no longer relevant for whatever reason.I think it's worth reading the first post all the way through first before asking questions.
Thanks. It seems like this thread would do some good if people would just read it.
scimonster wrote:
Seems a bit scarce on detail, but I'll add the link in at the end.
Harakou wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Seems a bit scarce on detail, but I'll add the link in at the end.
I know it doesn't have much...
Hey, you have an account, you can improve it! Base it off this guide if you want.
scimonster wrote:
Harakou wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Seems a bit scarce on detail, but I'll add the link in at the end.
I know it doesn't have much...
Hey, you have an account, you can improve it! Base it off this guide if you want.![]()
I'll see what I can do.
Bumping this because I wanted to ask a question. What is the stance on reporting necroposts? If there's an old, clearly dead thread and someone necroposts without any good reason, should we report it or just leave it be?
I'll get out of that habit...
also, what is the point of bumping a thread 2 hours behind the last post?
Animeboy975 wrote:
I'll get out of that habit...
Ironic 3 month nercopost alert
While I'm here, let me expose my theory:
nerco - posting
necro means dead in.. greek?
posting, well...