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Looking at the experimental viewer and it's in Flash, I went to look for a thread.
A user named parseroo created a Scratch Project Viewer in Flash. It was glitchy, but still cool back then. The link to the player is dead now, though.
Do you remember it? I do, I tried it once.
kimmy123 wrote:
The link in the topic doesn't work anymore
I said that, the link to the player is dead.
I wasn't active on the forums back then, but I do remember seeing that thread before. I didn't try it out though.
Edit: Oh wait, it was stated that the link in the topic post was dead later in the thread, and there's an alternate link in that post:
Only problem is that the link to the viewer never loads and keeps timing out.
Last edited by meowmeow55 (2011-02-11 19:23:52)
I didn't use the forums back in 2008
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Pages: 1