No, because a big part of Scratch is being able to download other people's projects, look at the code, and then remix them to make your own game. Reuploading someone else's project and calling it yours isn't OK, but regular remixing is. Sorry.
That would go against the Creative Commons act. Remixing is the only reason we're allowed to use all forms of media, such as Mario or songs we like. Also, it promotes learning among newer and older Scratchers, and one can improve another's project drastically, while keeping credit to the original maker.
well, if someone is just remixing something you worked hard on (or not so hard on) and they say they made it themselves, talk to them, and if they don't give you credit, use the report button. just don't go "REPORTED REPORTED etc.". If they changed it, then it's an actual "remix".
BTW, I hope you wish you couldn't or else you also would wish you weren't allowed to use copyrighted files without the creator's consent...