after presenting myself on that forum (i'm a computer teacher in south india) i would like to involve my student into scratch dev. for a while.
Some of the youngest one have enough to do with scratch 1.4 and its blocks but i see that for the oldest ones, it's not enough ! not only more blocks but also the full application can be adapted to our needs...
how to contact the dev. team ?
i saw mods that can modify the soft with new features but it looks not connected with the core development...why ?
if we want to work on the version 2.0, who we should contact ?
thanks for your answer
<{ have a great day }>
To contact the scratch team, use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of every page.
I don't think anyone not from M.I.T. is allowed to work on Scratch 2.0, though.
If you want to modify Scratch with new features, you must access the source code. There are many tutorials in "Advanced Topics". If you modify Scratch, I don't think you can post it to the website. You might be able to, but if you do, the blocks don't work correctly online.
The Scratch Team currently doesn't allow anyone outside MIT to help develop official Scratch versions, except for beta testing purposes.
However, the Scratch Team has released the Scratch 1.4 source code, which can be modified by anyone to make unofficial versions of Scratch. You'll need to learn the Squeak language to use it, but there are plenty of guides in the Advanced Topics section that explain how to make certain blocks.
Also, the dev team check the Suggestions forum regularly, so any ideas you have can be posted there.
Last edited by hmnwilson (2011-02-09 23:05:51)