Your version's accuracy is identical to the one in pokemon which is pretty much how I was going to set things up. You even included the modifiers which I haven't even made the lists for yet.
Here is something you should know if modifiying the scripts:
Current monster data for the player is used in all forumlas and is stored in variables starting with C_. Values for all monsters are stored in lists starting with party_. When a new monster comes out, the old monster's (if there was a previous monster) data is stored back into the party list and the C_ variables hold the data for the new monster.
Attacks stats are completly seperate from monster stats.
Last edited by archmage (2011-02-07 17:32:19)
archmage wrote:
Your version's accuracy is identical to the one in pokemon which is pretty much how I was going to set things up. You even included the modifiers which I haven't even made the lists for yet.
Here is something you should know if modifiying the scripts:
Current monster data for the player is used in all forumlas and is stored in variables starting with C_. Values for all monsters are stored in lists starting with party_. When a new monster comes out, the old monster's (if there was a previous monster) data is stored back into the party list and the C_ variables hold the data for the new monster.
Attacks stats are completly seperate from monster stats.
Already knew about that from looking at the code.
If you want, you can work on an animation for the intro, as long as it doesn't resemble pokemon's intro. I think I already went over the storyline in a previous post. The dark lords are bad and its up to the team of monsters to stop them.
The rough version is due in 2 days and I already sent one in. The final version is due in March.
KMilka wrote:
I'd be willing to help
We only need people who are good with art and music at this point.
Do the music for the beginning then. I just get all of my music from newgrounds if I can't get people to make it. Could really use some sort of intro.
I have exams on wednesday friday and sunday
I think that only mkolpnji is really capable of modifiying the scripts so she can build on that if she wants and the rest of you can add monsters.
Things that need to get done:
-leveling system, monsters have their own rates of leveling. Create 5 lists for each monster starting with leveling_ to store the leveling data. For example when monster a gets a level his Atk increase by item(i) of (leveing_Atk) where i is the id number for the monster
-Catching new monsters. This is simple, add the monster to the lists starting with party_.
-movesets. I first need to add 4 more lists party_moves_1, party_moves_2, party_moves_3, and party_moves_4. The attack buttons' scripts need to be replaced with scripts that can take from those values and set the attackID properly.
-Speed, monsters with best speed go first, not sure about the details on how to add this.
-More monsters, this is simple, take from the example of the monsters currently in the game and repeat the process I used to add monsters.
-move accuracy, there is accuracy now but it doesn't take any values from the move's accuracy stat. This needs to be fixed
-Modifiers need to be added for moves that boost or detract from monster stats.
-Learning new moves, every 10 levels the monster learns a new move. You can also buy new moves from a dojo.
People who are not able to script well enough can do one of the following:
-title page (this is a somewhat original project so the title doesn't resember pokemon in any way)
more monsters
Sorry, but I am going to be really busy for a while so I can't get to this for a while.
archmage wrote:
I have exams on wednesday friday and sunday
I think that only mkolpnji is really capable of modifiying the scripts so she can build on that if she wants and the rest of you can add monsters.
Things that need to get done:
-leveling system, monsters have their own rates of leveling. Create 5 lists for each monster starting with leveling_ to store the leveling data. For example when monster a gets a level his Atk increase by item(i) of (leveing_Atk) where i is the id number for the monster
-Catching new monsters. This is simple, add the monster to the lists starting with party_.
-movesets. I first need to add 4 more lists party_moves_1, party_moves_2, party_moves_3, and party_moves_4. The attack buttons' scripts need to be replaced with scripts that can take from those values and set the attackID properly.
-Speed, monsters with best speed go first, not sure about the details on how to add this.
-More monsters, this is simple, take from the example of the monsters currently in the game and repeat the process I used to add monsters.
-move accuracy, there is accuracy now but it doesn't take any values from the move's accuracy stat. This needs to be fixed
-Modifiers need to be added for moves that boost or detract from monster stats.
-Learning new moves, every 10 levels the monster learns a new move. You can also buy new moves from a dojo.
People who are not able to script well enough can do one of the following:
-title page (this is a somewhat original project so the title doesn't resember pokemon in any way)
more monsters
Sorry, but I am going to be really busy for a while so I can't get to this for a while.
When did I say I was a girl. <_<
And I can't work on this today, but I'll try to work on it tomorrow.
archmage wrote:
Do the music for the beginning then. I just get all of my music from newgrounds if I can't get people to make it. Could really use some sort of intro.
intro as in?...
fast, slow
major, minor
what happens in the beginning? catastrophic? cheery?
estimated length?
mkolpnji wrote:
archmage wrote:
I have exams on wednesday friday and sunday
I think that only mkolpnji is really capable of modifiying the scripts so she can build on that if she wants and the rest of you can add monsters.
Things that need to get done:
-leveling system, monsters have their own rates of leveling. Create 5 lists for each monster starting with leveling_ to store the leveling data. For example when monster a gets a level his Atk increase by item(i) of (leveing_Atk) where i is the id number for the monster
-Catching new monsters. This is simple, add the monster to the lists starting with party_.
-movesets. I first need to add 4 more lists party_moves_1, party_moves_2, party_moves_3, and party_moves_4. The attack buttons' scripts need to be replaced with scripts that can take from those values and set the attackID properly.
-Speed, monsters with best speed go first, not sure about the details on how to add this.
-More monsters, this is simple, take from the example of the monsters currently in the game and repeat the process I used to add monsters.
-move accuracy, there is accuracy now but it doesn't take any values from the move's accuracy stat. This needs to be fixed
-Modifiers need to be added for moves that boost or detract from monster stats.
-Learning new moves, every 10 levels the monster learns a new move. You can also buy new moves from a dojo.
People who are not able to script well enough can do one of the following:
-title page (this is a somewhat original project so the title doesn't resember pokemon in any way)
more monsters
Sorry, but I am going to be really busy for a while so I can't get to this for a while.Wha-
When did I say I was a girl. <_<
And I can't work on this today, but I'll try to work on it tomorrow.
OHHH! Sorry! Its so hard to tell with your funny username You are officially now a man, a manly one.
kayybee wrote:
archmage wrote:
Do the music for the beginning then. I just get all of my music from newgrounds if I can't get people to make it. Could really use some sort of intro.
intro as in?...
fast, slow
major, minor
what happens in the beginning? catastrophic? cheery?
estimated length?
Make an introductory animation less than a minute long. Show the world in trouble because of the dark lords (the members of this collab) and show the monster rising to fight and lead into the battle tutorial. Just make something simple now because it can be revised later.
ah! animations! last time i made one was more than half a year ago and that failed!
okay, i'll try it.
how about this: they are based on their job.
what do the characters look like then?
archmage-the leader of the dark lords, controls (programs) the monsters.
miffinthemuffin-makes monsters
kayybee-um... makes monsters? what should i be?
mkolpnji-um... controls and makes monsters?
The dark lords should look like our avatars. Yours is a pokemon, mine is an archmage, miffin's is a muffen.
Last edited by archmage (2011-02-08 23:51:13)
Monster RPG v8:
Changes in bold and italics.
archmage wrote:
Things that need to get done:
-movesets. I first need to add 4 more lists party_moves_1, party_moves_2, party_moves_3, and party_moves_4. The attack buttons' scripts need to be replaced with scripts that can take from those values and set the attackID properly.
-Speed, monsters with best speed go first, not sure about the details on how to add this.
Done, also merged together the melee and emelee to lessen amount of scripts. If this isn't good, I can easily do speed a different way.
-move accuracy, there is accuracy now but it doesn't take any values from the move's
accuracy stat. This needs to be fixed
Should be fixed.
-Modifiers need to be added for moves that boost or detract from monster stats.
Added a new attack, Scare, that detracts from the enemy's attack stat. Also laid down some of the groundwork for other stats.
Last edited by mkolpnji (2011-02-09 19:11:14)
MiffinTheMuffin wrote:
Tiny update:
Various bug fixes + deleting now useless variables.
Seems there is an online bug with the v8 - v10 already. The projectile that is shot by the enemy if they are faster than the player will be facing in the wrong direction. Only happens online, so I have no idea what's causing it.
Your bug makes no logical sense since the projectile shot by the enemy has a set direction.
The new code is not bad but there are lots of little refinements I must make.
mkolpnji, your additions were not bad, they just needed a little adusting.
-The attack lists were not set up right. You had it so that each party member had its own list for all its attacks. I set it up so that the monster's moves are shared by the lists. For example, monster 3's fourth move is in party_moves_4 in the 3rd position. This allows for easier access.
-The speed adjustment thing needed to be reworked entirely, throwing if else blocks around isn't a good solution. I made it so that that is a list containing the order of the battle and the order is re-calculated when 1. a monster is changed 2.A monster's speed modifier is changed
-Haven't looked too much at the mods but they may need to be reworked. Also noticed that that are not part of the forumla which needs to be changed.
Go to the archtest account for the newest update.
Added the things I said I added in the above post. Buffs/Nerfs still don't work properly though.
Also added nicer graphics since some people make a big deal of that even in the early stages.
archmage wrote:
mkolpnji, your additions were not bad, they just needed a little adusting.
-The attack lists were not set up right. You had it so that each party member had its own list for all its attacks. I set it up so that the monster's moves are shared by the lists. For example, monster 3's fourth move is in party_moves_4 in the 3rd position. This allows for easier access.
-The speed adjustment thing needed to be reworked entirely, throwing if else blocks around isn't a good solution. I made it so that that is a list containing the order of the battle and the order is re-calculated when 1. a monster is changed 2.A monster's speed modifier is changed
-Haven't looked too much at the mods but they may need to be reworked. Also noticed that that are not part of the forumla which needs to be changed.
Go to the archtest account for the newest update.
You did the speed a lot better than I did. I really wasn't exactly sure how to do it, so I defaulted to using if else.
Also, for mods, I haven't put all of the values into the damage formulas yet. It took around an hour for me to implement the scare attack due to the amount of bugs that were created when I added it. And I wanted to get the update out before the day ended. I'll add that in maybe tomorrow or sometime later.
Speaking about bugs, in V13:
-When switching to a monster with a lower speed than the enemy, the battle gamestate order is messed up where it goes 3, 1, and then 2. This really messes up some things so I did a quick fix.
-After changing the order, another bug came up where the monster didn't attack after the enemy attacked. So I moved the broadcast <item<CAtkID> of attack type> to the stage, below the script that receives the next state broadcast. And made it only activate if the gamestate was 2.
-Also fixed a bug that made it so that the miss text was visible if your monster missed with a melee attack.
-For some reason, the statMod receiving script was broken up. So scare wouldn't work. Fixed that.
-Fixed the music not working.
Last edited by mkolpnji (2011-02-10 21:29:58)
mkolpnji wrote:
archmage wrote:
mkolpnji, your additions were not bad, they just needed a little adusting.
-The attack lists were not set up right. You had it so that each party member had its own list for all its attacks. I set it up so that the monster's moves are shared by the lists. For example, monster 3's fourth move is in party_moves_4 in the 3rd position. This allows for easier access.
-The speed adjustment thing needed to be reworked entirely, throwing if else blocks around isn't a good solution. I made it so that that is a list containing the order of the battle and the order is re-calculated when 1. a monster is changed 2.A monster's speed modifier is changed
-Haven't looked too much at the mods but they may need to be reworked. Also noticed that that are not part of the forumla which needs to be changed.
Go to the archtest account for the newest update.Nice.
You did the speed a lot better than I did. I really wasn't exactly sure how to do it, so I defaulted to using if else.
Also, for mods, I haven't put all of the values into the damage formulas yet. It took around an hour for me to implement the scare attack due to the amount of bugs that were created when I added it. And I wanted to get the update out before the day ended. I'll add that in maybe tomorrow or sometime later.
Speaking about bugs, in V13:
-When switching to a monster with a lower speed than the enemy, the battle gamestate order is messed up where it goes 3, 1, and then 2. This really messes up some things so I did a quick fix.
-After changing the order, another bug came up where the monster didn't attack after the enemy attacked. So I moved the broadcast <item<CAtkID> of attack type> to the stage, below the script that receives the next state broadcast. And made it only activate if the gamestate was 2.
-Also fixed a bug that made it so that the miss text was visible if your monster missed with a melee attack.
-For some reason, the statMod receiving script was broken up. So scare wouldn't work. Fixed that.
-Fixed the music not working.
V14 was made like two minutes before you uploaded.
Ohhhh sorry, I just made some rather big adjustments to the project involving menus and stuff.
And I thought the the enemy attacking you when switching to a slower monster would be like a punishment So that was kind of intentional.
Have another exam tommrow, so can't work on this for another while. Also my more recent code may be poor cus I need sleep
archmage wrote:
Ohhhh sorry, I just made some rather big adjustments to the project involving menus and stuff.
And I thought the the enemy attacking you when switching to a slower monster would be like a punishmentSo that was kind of intentional.
Have another exam tommrow, so can't work on this for another while. Also my more recent code may be poor cus I need sleep![]()
I'll take a look at it and fix some bugs and stuff.
EDIT: Fixed one bug that was annoying me. (The battle text)
Also like I mentioned on your project, we really need to add a "back" button.
Last edited by mkolpnji (2011-02-10 21:48:00)