You might say that it defeats the spirit of "What the community is ____", but look at it- it's a mass of animations mixed in with remixes, a few games, and "popular" scratchers. I'm not saying categories for "what the community is ____" would save everything, but it'd sure help get some more obscure scratchers on the front page. Now, on with my idea!
I propose "What the community is _____" be divided up into different categories (animations, games, story, tutorial, etc.)
"But wait, Sunrise- how in the world would 'What the community is _____" know which project should go in which category? It doesn't make sense!"
Simple- tags. Or maybe one "mega" tag, which determines what type of project the project is. The mega tag can be "affirmed" if it's right, or um, "deffirmed" if it's wrong. Now we can give scratchers an incredibly hard time while they try to abuse the system!
Of course, this doesn't mean we should block out the current "What the community is ____", just make that one the "top" projects out of all the categories.
Last edited by Sunrise-Moon (2011-02-08 11:27:15)
Maybe there could be a few main categories: Games, Animation, Art, Other. Then you choose which category.
scimonster wrote:
Maybe there could be a few main categories: Games, Animation, Art, Other. Then you choose which category.
Yeah, that's what I mean