Here is all the blocks and effects on them
<move( )steps> this script tells your sprite to move the number of steps you tell it to. the direction it moves in is the direction of the sprite. <turn cw( )degrees> and <turn cw( )degrees> These scripts are used to tell a sprite to turn a certain amount of Degrees. <point in direction( ) This script is used to have a sprite point in a certain direction. <point towards( ) This is used when you want a sprite to point towards another sprite. <go to x )y
) This will tell a sprite to go to a certain area.
<go to[ ] This will tell a sprite to go to another sprite. <glide( )secs to x )y
) This will tell a sprite to glide somewhere. the seconds control the speed. <change x by( ) This will tell a sprite to change its X position by a certain amont of numbers depending on how many you want the sprite to change it by. <set x to( ) This will Tell a sprite to set its X position to the X position you want to set it to <change y by( ) This will tell your sprite to change its Y position by the number you want it to change by. <set y to( ) this will tell your sprite to set it's y position to the area you want to set it to. <if on edge, bounce> This will tell your sprite if it is on the edge it will bounce. <x position> <y position> <direction> These are the variables for X and Y, and the direction. <switch to costume[ ] this will tell your sprite to switch to another costume. <next costume> This will tell your sprite to automatically switch to the next costume. <say[ ]for( )secs> This will tell your sprite to say something for a certain amount of seconds. <say[ ] This will tell your sprite to say something until the next thing is said. <think[ ]for( )secs> This will tell your sprite to think something for a certain amount of seconds. <think[ ] This will tell your sprite to think something until the next thing is thought. <change[ ]effect by( ) This will tell your sprite to change an effect by a certain number. <set[ ]effect to( ) This will tell your sprite to set a certain effect to a certain number. <clear graphic effects> I don't know what this one does. <change size by( ) This will tell your sprite to change its size by a certain amount. <set size to( )%> This will tell your sprite to set its size to the size you want to have it at. <size> This is the variable for size.<show> This will tell your sprite to show. <hide> This will tell your sprite to hide. <go to front> This will tell your sprite to go to the front layer. <go back( )layers> This will tell your sprite to go back a certain amount of layers. <play sound[ ] This will tell your sprite to play a sound for only a small part of the song. <play sound[ ]and waits> this will tell your sprite to play the entire sound without doing anything else. <stop all sounds> this will tell all sounds to stop. <play drum( )for( )secss> this will tell your sprite to play a certain drum sound. <play note( )for( )secss> this will tell your sprite to play a certain note.
<set instrument to( ) This will pick the instrument for the note. <clear> This will have any doodle drawings you have done with a pen sprite be erased. <pen down> This will tell your sprites pen to draw under the sprite. <pen up> This will make your pen sprite draw from the top of the sprite. <change pen color by( ) This will tell your pen color to change. <set pen color to( ) This will have your pen color go to a new color. <change pen shade by( ) Changes shade of pen. <set pen shade to( ) Has your pen shade go to a shade you want it at. <change pen size by( ) this will have pen size change. <set pen size to( ) This will have the pen size go to the size you want it at. <stamp> This will have your sprite costume stamp. <when green flag clicked> This will start a project. <when[ ]key pressed> This will have something happen. <when[ ]clicked> This will also cause an effect.<wait( )secsc> This will have the sprite wait a certain amount of seconds before going to the next script. <forever> This will keep having something happen forever and ever. <repeat( ) This will make something repeat a certain amount of times. <broadcast[ ] This will make a message send to every other sprite. <broadcast[ ]and wait c> This will have a broadcast happen then wait for something. <when I receive[ ] This will make an effect happen when a broadcast is recieved. <forever if> A combo of the forever and if blocks. <if> if something happens, something else will happen <end> the end of a repeat, repeat until, or if block. <else> if something happens an effect will be caused, else, another effect is caused.<repeat until> This will make something repeat until something happens.<stop script> This will make a certain script stop. <stop all> This will make the whole project stop. <mouse x> The mouse's X Position. <mouse y> The Mouse's Y Position. <mouse down?> if mouse is down. <key[ ]pressed?> Something will happen if a certain key is pressed. <touching color[ ] Something will happen if your sprite is touching a certain color. <color[ ]is over[ ] Something will happen if one color is touching another. <distance to[ ] Distance to something. <reset timer> Will cause the timing on the timer to restart. <timer> Timer variable. <loudness> loudness in project. <loud?> Asking if project is loud. (( <+> )) Something plus something. (( <-> )) Something minus something. (( <*> )) Something times something. (( </> )) Something Divided By Something. <pick random( )to( ) Will have something pick random. <( <<> )> If Something is less than something. <( <=> )> If something is equal to something. <( <>> )> If Something is greater than something. << <and> >> Something and something else are both happening. << <or> >> If Something or Something else is happening. << <not> >> Not something happening. <change{ }by( ) Will have a variable number change by something. <set{ }to( ) Will have a variable go to a certain number.
An excellent guide! One suggestion: put [blocks] and [/blocks] around the blocks and it won't get the rest of your text all messed up. Additionally, it could be useful to space the blocks a little more accordingly by putting each of them on a separate line. I've also created a new topic for this to be put in as it didn't belong in the previous one.