Some people report they could't download the following project of mine:
Weatherkinz3003 said "bad header" error occurred.
This project is written with 1.3. And I can't repeat this problem on my PC.
Does anyone know this kind of problem? If so, do you have a solution?
Thank you very much!
Kazuhiro Abe
I keep getting that too, but on different projects as well, like "ghost writer", even though I open them with 1.3.
"Bad Header" really means the Scratch application is not recognizing what it it finding in the file. This could happen if the file is saved in version 1.3 and is being opened in Scratch 1.2. It could also happen for a corrupted file (which can be common when saving to USB drives), but in this case the file would not open for anyone.
There were some beta versions of Scratch 1.3 given out to beta testers, and if you think you have one of those you may want to upgrade to the current one.
If you don't think that's the problem please let us know, and give details about your version and the project.